This afternoon, I reached a point where I stopped in the midst of a conversation with my daughter and said "I need a minute". That's really all it took to cast my immediate cares on the the Lord - Hallelujah! Several frustrations had surfaced within 15 minutes or so, and I had a choice - to react, to take it on myself, or to bring it to God. Inadvertantly, as I had chosen not to react to the situation at hand, I had allowed things to be "dumped" on me, but there had been no time before the two of us were engaged in discussion for me to hand this burden over to God. So...once I was physically still enough to actually feel the mental weight, I simply asked for a minute to deal with this in the way God directs us, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you"(1 Peter 5:7 NIV).
I paused, I cast, and the burden was gone - His problem, not mine - NMP:).
Max Lucado recently tweeted: "Did God call us to preach without ceasing? Have committee meetings without ceasing? No, he called us to pray without ceasing." Gotta love him! And love the Truth! To me, praying without ceasing is my continual conversation with God as we walk through the day together. I thank You, Lord, that You love me that much!
Day by Day by DC Talk (click to hear song)

I paused, I cast, and the burden was gone - His problem, not mine - NMP:).
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your gentle reminders to guide us into all truth (John 16:13 NIV). I need You every minute. Thank you, Lord, that you know me so well, even my thoughts and the desires of my heart. It is such a joy and a relief to trust You and rest in Your care. You are SO good to me; Your love draws me more and more to you. Help me to know You and talk with you at all times.
Max Lucado recently tweeted: "Did God call us to preach without ceasing? Have committee meetings without ceasing? No, he called us to pray without ceasing." Gotta love him! And love the Truth! To me, praying without ceasing is my continual conversation with God as we walk through the day together. I thank You, Lord, that You love me that much!
Day by Day by DC Talk (click to hear song)
Your blog post is indeed a good reminder to cast our cares on Him. It is an active process that we must engage in.
Your post also fits so well with a blog post from a wonderful little Russian church that ministered so greatly to us during our travels last year; the post is about building a House for the Lord - He chooses to dwell in us. We are to create a peaceful place for Him to dwell & rest. How can He rest in our hearts, if our hearts are troubled and afraid? (We can only do it by casting our cares on Him and pursuing righteousness and holiness.)
If you are interested in reading more of Alex's teaching, the English version is here:
thanks! I miss our chats...
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