Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1:31
Siblings...some have one, some have many, some have none, some wish for more (or fewer). My heritage is oldest of six with the same parents, raised in the same home environment. My perspective has been developed over my many years with them as well as through the life experiences of others: youngest, middle, twin, triplet, adopted, step-, half-, rich, poor, physically/emotionally/mentally challenged, brainy, no common sense, gregarious, introverted, charismatic, insulting, hopeful, despondent...the list is never-ending.
Having the same ancestry and home environment often brings expectations of like-ness, that we should think/feel/behave in a similar manner. Not true... likeness often shows up more in physical traits/behaviors/expressions than in talent, perception, bent, personality. One can be easily provoked to judge/react; yet these differences could rightly provoke us to ponder 'how great is our God'! We are EACH made in His image yet NONE are the same...Great BIG God! Amazing...we should be awed, humbled by this revelation. ALL are His children - no matter how different, each precious in His sight and greatly, unconditionally loved JUST AS WE ARE. I am humbled by this, mindful of my human tendencies to cast a critical eye, conscious of my need for a Savior to deliver me from my self into His way, casting no stones and following Jesus's example as I relate to siblings, of earthly or heavenly parentage.
Oh, Daddy, Who created us in these varied mortal bodies, help us to see through Your eyes, value the God-creation, the variety in each other, looking for the display of You in each. Help us respond to each other as precious in Your sight, fearfully and wonderfully made, created for Your glory. Help us to look for Your wonder in each one, to praise You in their creation, and to be fit together rightly for Your purposes that Your Kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.
1 comment:
His amazing grace shines! Thank you for the glow of awareness He has shared with You.
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